Senin, 31 Januari 2011

Blog Cikal

Blog Cikal

Link to Online Business

How do I get an online business started? (selling clothing)?

Posted: 30 Jan 2011 03:20 PM PST

I know there is a lot too do
I am a young student that has taken business classes
at college level in high school
though they never said anything about online businesses
can someone direct me to a good site that everything can be done?
an all in one site?
I know there are a few just dont know where to go

Who would I contact about an online business scam?Re:The Results Group,LLC?

Posted: 30 Jan 2011 03:19 PM PST

Have 8 letters from others that feel got ripped off. Have contacted Class Action Lawyers already.Have contacted one affilate that is working with me to put this company out of business.

Are there any real online business opportunities for non US residents? Will Google accept Non US residents?

Posted: 30 Jan 2011 01:20 PM PST

I live in the caribbean
I am willing to invest up to 0 USD

Trying to start a online business is stressing me out?

Posted: 30 Jan 2011 01:20 PM PST

Ive been concentrated on trying to start a profitable online business for two year. So many ideas have been thrown at me, I’m not sure which idea to do. Can someone please end my stress and tell me the best way to make 50k a year online (without joining scams)? Thanks.

Where would be the best online school to get a undergrad and grad degree in business?

Posted: 30 Jan 2011 11:19 AM PST

I want to go back to school online. I would like to find a good school, not a degree mill that offers bachelors with an accelerated masters program. Any help?

Can I add businesses to a directory without their permission?

Posted: 30 Jan 2011 11:19 AM PST

I’m interested in building an online business directory for a specific industry, but would like to manually add businesses myself to get things started. Is there anything wrong adding info and links to a business without asking them first?

I have $100,000 & would like to invest $50,000 in a CONSERVATIVE ;) business?

Posted: 30 Jan 2011 10:20 AM PST

Ok, I know most will say not to..since the economy isn’t so great. But I live in NYC, and 50k is more like your 25k. I was thinking of opening a tax business. Any other ideas? I know a restaurant would do fine here. COMPLETELY fine. People are ALWAYS eating..and there are tons of clothing shops…believe it or not..those places are ALWAYS packed. But I feel like those are the “lower grade” ideas. Forgive me for sounding snobby..but..I’m just trying to be a bit more creative before I resort to those. Any other ideas? I just want to be my own boss and control my life. I don’t need to be rich. I just want to be happy. I’m awesome with finances, math, organization, customer service, planning, decorating. I have all the motivation, energy, will, ambition..whatever you want to call it. I’m young and hyper. I know it is HARD to build a business. I already have a small online store, and even that can be a pain. But that online store isn’t exactly stable since it’s on eBay and eBay has become really corrupt lately. Too many policies, automated suspensions, lack of service. They have ruined income for way too many people.

So…help! Ideas ? :) I have 50k to invest. What would YOU do with 50k? I just want to generate income that I can live on. I know I won’t make a lot at first..but eventually..I can build up.

I’m interesting in opening a game/lan center with Christian influence. What steps can I take to be successful?

Posted: 30 Jan 2011 09:21 AM PST

Being a follower and a gamer, it amazes me how many ‘lost’ gamers there are. When religion is brought up online, it’s always an one-sided slaughter for anyone arguing for it. Gaming in general is becoming more and more popular and I don’t feel there’s a better way to reach the youth than thru something that encompasses their generation.

My thoughts would be a gaming center with computers, consoles, and board games as well as other interesting activities. The place would be decorated with verses (written in Hebrew) on the walls but not overly-done as to make non-Christians ‘uncomfortable’. I figured I could team with the local churches and give discount/free gaming hours to those who attend church regularly or participate in missions or volunteering. I know this wouldn’t be a great source of income for me and my current job is a blessing in itself, I’d need investors and/or a business loan. I’m mainly looking for steps from those with knowledge of starting their own business.

I want to open up an online lingerie business but unable to set up a website the way I want. Can anyone help?

Posted: 30 Jan 2011 07:20 AM PST

I am trying to start an online lingerie business but have limited amount of funds at this time. I am looking for someone who can help me set up my website. If you enjoy setting up websites as a hobbie, please email me or reply to this posting. Thanks Alot.

If you have any suggestions for me about the lingerie business, please share you knowledge with me. Thanks

Where can I buy software for really cheap prices so I can resell them for a potential profit in my business?

Posted: 30 Jan 2011 07:20 AM PST

I am thinking about starting a business selling software online, but I am trying to find cheap places where I can buy it. I definitely do not want to go to places like Best Buy, as I don’t want to sell my software for greater prices than Best Buy.I have looked at Software Depot, and it seems possible, but I would like to know the credibility of this and other cheap-software selling places. Thanks!

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