Rabu, 05 Januari 2011

Blog Cikal

Blog Cikal

Link to Online Business

What is PayPal Business Account and where can I enroll it?

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 03:24 PM PST


I want to start a online business for advertising ads on it and some people said to me that the only legal procedure I need to take is to create a PayPal Business Account? If so, is it true? Where can I enroll that Business Account stuff and is it expensive?

Thanks for your help.
I live in Alberta, Canada, btw.

is this a online scam ? preparing business letter packets at home! Stamped envelope:?

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 03:22 PM PST

I’m trying to find a job to do from home so i can be with my sons . I have found nothing but online scams , i found a add in my local news paper and seen simular adds for companys that just want you to prepare buisiness letter packets from home then send them back , the say the will pay you for it . If interested they give a address and just ask you to send them a seld adressed enevolpe . I was just wondering b4 i wasted my time with this , is this also a scam ?? is there a catch ?? do they want a godly amount of money to get started ?? Has anyone tried this ??? Is it for real ??
opps i mean son , not sons lol

How can i understand business statistics?

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 01:24 PM PST

I am taking a business stats class and half way thru the semester and i get NOTHING! its so frustrating–its driven me to tears several times. This is a class that i NEED but DONT get. My teacher is like the worst teacher you could have–but i couldnt switch and am stuck with her. So am not blaming her but still…. Anyway, i’ve tried to find online free courses, books and i cant find sites. There are some books in the public library but they’re just as complicated as my textbook. Am i just not cut out for anything business related (Am hating my other business classes too) AHHH..

How do you build a successful online business?

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 01:23 PM PST

What is the best website for online college business degree?

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 11:25 AM PST

I have $2500 to invest in an online business idea…will it work?

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 11:23 AM PST

I’m going to sell herbs crossbred to look and smell like marijuana. I have different species to mimic different types of weed. What about EBAY?

can i attend school full time and still get an business administration certificate online?

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 10:22 AM PST

Running an online business?

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 09:22 AM PST

What are the requirements for running an online business? Do I need a business licenses, do I need a EIN if I am the only Full ownership? Or do I still need to file for an EIN? Also what if I have people working for me, but not a joint partner for ownership?

Is it better to start your online business on e-bay or just to have your own website, and which makes more $$?

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 07:23 AM PST

I’m starting an online business and I was wondering what gets more sales and attracts more customers. EBay or my own website? People who have online businesses help me out here.

Is an online degree from an established, accredited four year university a good idea?

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 07:20 AM PST

I m considering enrolling to Washington State University’s online bachelors degree in business administration program. I currently run my own small business plus hold down a part time job so I do not have the time to attend the university in person. Would an online degree from this state university be the same as a if i had attended in person?

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