Kamis, 13 Januari 2011

Blog Cikal

Blog Cikal

Link to Online Business

What would you want to know about starting an online business?

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 03:19 PM PST

I an developing an online class that will teach people how to start an onliine business. It will be a 10 week course with custom developed software. What are the most pressing questions you need to know and what features would you like to have in the software?

if i want to start an online business what steps do i take?

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 03:19 PM PST

i also need to know what type of license i will need to start a business online. i really need help because no one that i know has ever started a online business.

Online business ideas?

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 01:20 PM PST

I would like to start an online company. My idea is a website that teaches acting lessons through videos, articles, and tutorials. It would be membership site where people pay monthly to access.
Or I would start a company that buys undervalued websites, fixes them up by implementing marketing strategies, adding revenue generators, and imputing some seo tactics. The company would then sell the website for profit. Is this even considered a “company”. Could there be a CEO?

How can I get rich online. I am inspired by Cameron Johnson who made his first million before graduating high school. Any ideas for anew company? I am a fan of business to business services and solutions companies. Those are always in high demand.

Where Can I Find Low Cost Ways of Advertising a New Business Online?

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 01:20 PM PST

Just Starting a New Business in The Atlanta Area and Now I am Looking to Hire a Company or Independent Webmaster to Manage My Website Advertising, I Want to Hire a SEO Expert For Under 0.00 Dollars A Month, Any Recommendations.

Which is best bank to open a personal account for small online business?

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 11:19 AM PST

I’m looking for a bank in London
…I have an online travel business.

Incoming search terms:

  • bank
  • open

Found a co. online that sells lotuses but in Australia. Can the plants pass customs & be shipped to the U.S.?

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 11:19 AM PST

I have a new-found passion for minature (bowl) lotus plants and I just found a great source for them (Blue Lotus Water Garden). Unfortunately, the small business owner is located in Australia and, according to the owner’s e-mail to me, he has never shipped any plants to the U.S. before. He is willing, however. He wants me to find out what the regulations are. Our local post-office was no help. They could only tell me what the regulations are for shipping items OUT of our country. Anybody have suggestions? Maybe another source for miniature lotus plants? Miniatures are not offered on EBay–at least, I have never seen them.
What some nurseries refer to as “miniatures” are actually dwarf versions (if you read the description). I would really like the absolute smallest so that I can, literally, grow one in a bowl on a tabletop.

How would you promote a country like Romania? Online-Internet vs. offline promotion.?

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 10:21 AM PST

I am especially interested to find out what media environment do you think would influence travelers and business people decisions in the most effective way! Internet-online, TV, radio, print etc.

I would appreciate if you could also include a short personal point of view on Romania image abroad, because I would like to have an idea how people from other countries perceive this country, and why they would visit or do business in this country? Because they read about Romania on the Internet, read about in the Financial Times or see a TV show?

keywords: travel destinations, doing businesses, Romania, country brand, Danube Delta, beautiful landscapes, sea side, real estate opportunities, open market, economy growth etc.

Opinions from all over the world are welcome!

Tips for starting an online beading business?

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 09:21 AM PST

Hi, I am looking for tips about what beads, designs and websites I should use to further my business cause. I have my own personal .com domain I could use as well. If there are any beaders reading this, what is easy to make to start off with and what sort of beads are currently in fashion?

how to build an online business and what is required?

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 07:20 AM PST

Business Checking Account

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 07:20 AM PST

I am starting an online business at the moment. I need to open a business checking account. I prefer it is all done online. I hate having to take trips to the bank. Any solutions?

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