Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

Blog Cikal

Blog Cikal

Link to Online Business

I take my high school courses online,how early should I start applying to universities?

Posted: 24 Jan 2011 03:20 PM PST

I’m 16 and I already know what my major would be and I’ve been checking into universities already. I would like to major in business management and more specifically,entrepreneurship. I know I have to take the SAT or ACT and I’ve already started looking at dates and times. Since I would like to start my freshman year of college in the spring of 2011,I would like to know how early I should start contacting the colleges since I am doing everything online? I also have to apply and set up my financial aid too.

I wanted to create an online business for students. Tell me what you think of my business idea….?

Posted: 24 Jan 2011 03:20 PM PST

I wnted to create a search comparison site, but specific towrds teens. Topics: books, music, games. fashion, technology etc etc
It’ll also go a step further, provide free advertising, advice forum for people to ask for advice on their perosnal problems. Text messages forum (like the london lite) what do you guys think. Is thids worth pursuing?

How to automate business lead analytics?

Posted: 24 Jan 2011 01:21 PM PST

I am trying to find a solution to a very crazy idea. My boss wants me to see if there is a way to track leads but somehow automate the results. An example of this would be someone fill out and online contact form and we receive an e-mail with not just the form itself but with all the information on how they got to the form.

Meaning that the email would show they came from a google search, then they clicked on our ad, then they went to one of our products page, then they clicked on contact, and finally filled out a form. We also are interested in tracking what happens after we receive the form meaning this program would keep track of who e-mailed the person back and if we sold anything to them after all that came before it. This I am assuming would have to have some kind of counter or interface to keep track of all the data coming in.

I have never heard of such a thing but since we can track website analytics maybe there is something out there already.

But maybe there isn’t?

In the Philippines, how would you use the Internet for transactions and business? What tools would you use?

Posted: 24 Jan 2011 01:21 PM PST

The recent changes made by PayPal and the competitiveness of other money transfer services have allowed residents of the Philippines to make more money and do business easily online. What are your thoughts on this and other developments over the Internet?

how can i start a online business thats cheap and easy to run without any hard work and gives money?

Posted: 24 Jan 2011 11:21 AM PST

im looking for a way to open a website and start my online business thats cheap and easy to manage but has enough income…like selling website templates,website domains,web space or somet…whats best out these so i can just open the business and the rest is done all by its self i just take cash out my account and spend it and the rest is all being done by the computer like money transfer,account checking and stuff…is it possible to do a business online that doesnt need much attention and is cheap and easy to run and gives a lot of money and can you give me some sites that will advertise me on msn and google and yahoo…and will be willing to sponser me and may be help me get started…how much will i make with a online website templates and with domain business…will there be any companies who will partner with me and may be help me improve and get better and get the business working better..

I need a online business ideas?

Posted: 24 Jan 2011 11:20 AM PST

i need online business ideas that are possible and realistic
I want a idea that i can start not a already started business

online affiliate marketing?

Posted: 24 Jan 2011 10:24 AM PST

Has anyone ever tried conducting online affiliate marketing business? Im about to give it a try just for fun but wondering if this kind of stuff really works. I;m planning on spending the coming months traveling, so if this works than at least i’d still have money flowing in while traveling.

Is there anyone that is making money from a real online business or position?

Posted: 24 Jan 2011 09:19 AM PST

It is so hard to find a real online position or business that don’t ask for a whole bunch of money? Are there really effective online jobs? If you are working from home or have a online jobs can you please share resources?

Thank you =)

Where can i buy shoes online then sell them in my business?

Posted: 24 Jan 2011 07:26 AM PST

i own a business, and im looking to start selling shoes in my little space. so im looking to buy shoes online for cheap, direct, lets say from china or something. and sell them.
What is the website… i know someone who is doing this, but keeps on putting off in telling me the web.

What is the best least expensive website building software if you want to start an online business?

Posted: 24 Jan 2011 07:20 AM PST

I have not clue how to do code. Drag and Drop me

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