Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011

Blog Cikal

Blog Cikal

Link to Online Business

Is my grammar correct in this writing? Am I writing in the right tense? Thank you!!!!!?

Posted: 21 Jan 2011 03:20 PM PST

I am thrilled to have the opportunity to introduce myself through this letter. I am equally as excited to be participating in this course due to the fact that I love writing and want to continue learning more about it.

One thing that I have learned over my seventeen years is that from every experience that life throws at you, whether positive or negative, you have to come out of it stronger and wiser. I was able to gain this knowledge and wisdom through my interesting high school experience. The average student enters high school and four years later, they are done. This was quite the opposite of what I went through. This is my twelfth year in school and I spent the majority of my time in and out of school. When I frst entered grade nine, I was extremely nervous which I realized were normal feelings that everyone was going through. As the year went by, I began to get in the swing of things and was excited about my high school career. However, I soon began to feel extremely ill in all of my classes. I would feel as if I was going to run out of oxygen, pass out and die. I was really scared because I didn’t know what was going on with my body. I began to miss a lot of school and consequently began to fail all of my classes. At the end of grade nine, as all of my friends came out on the honour roll, I came out with three credits. I was left with an unknown illness and five failed credits. I decided to finally find out some information about what was happening to me and was surprised to learn that I was facing an anxiety disorder and what was happening to me in my classes were panic attacks. That summer of grade nine, was one of the worst experiences of my life. At one point, I was not able to leave my house because I felt like I was going to die. When it got so far, my mom and I decided that it was time for me to get professional help. I went in to ******** Hospital in ******* to meet with a psychiatrist, which put me in CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy). My experience with therapy was quite positive and I came out much stronger. I was still not ready to go back to school though so we decided that I would try virtual schooling for a semester. During this time, I also had a lot going on in my personal life. We were moving from ******* to ****** because my parents had recently bought their own business. This was a very tough transition for me but when semester two rolled around, I decided to enroll in a local high school in ******. One of the best decisions that I made was to go into that high school for a semester because I met some very helpful people. I began to relapse with panic attacks and they decided to put me in a home schooling program. I entered my grade eleven year with eight credits and had a plan to go back to CBT while doing online credits and independent learning credits (ILC). I finally had a plan that would allow me to catch up and reach my goals. My grade eleven year was extremely successful. I completed four online courses and eight ILC courses which brings me to where I am now with twenty credits (only four behind). My goal is to apply to university this year and to begin living my life, I feel as if I am finally strong enough to go back into a school. I decided to share my high school experience in this letter because I feel as if it shows a lot about my character and who I am. I believe that I am hard-working, self-disciplined, perseverant and strong. I am happy for everything that I went through because it has helped me realize who I am and what I want in life from a very young age.

Does anyone discuss innovative or original business ideas for website startups online?

Posted: 21 Jan 2011 03:19 PM PST

These ideas would be product or service related and be specifically for websites. Not marketing ideas.

What resources and other info can I find on starting my own online business?

Posted: 21 Jan 2011 01:21 PM PST

I am wanting to start my own online business, but am having a hard time with ideas on good/successful products to sell, finding a good domain name, finding wholesellers and/or suppliers/vendors. Any suggestions?

What steps should I take to starting an Online Business selling Computer Gaming Hardware?

Posted: 21 Jan 2011 01:19 PM PST

Hi, I’m 18 and I REALLY want to own my own online business selling Gaming Hardware. I’m just confused about how I actually would go about making a profit. Please some list some 1 2 3 steps for me!

Thank you A LOT!

FInd Speakers for a Business Meeting?

Posted: 21 Jan 2011 11:19 AM PST

If you needed to find a speaker for a business meeting, where would you look? I’ve got information about online services to locate speakers. But this question is about local resources. Where would you look for speakers? Have you been successful? Tell me more :)

Nikki Leigh

I’m tired of getting laid off. What is the best way to start up an online business?

Posted: 21 Jan 2011 11:19 AM PST

There are so many rip offs on TV these days, I just want to do something that makes some money. Not a get rich quick scheme or anything like that, just a real business. Anyone already doing this with something that actually works? I need a mentor!

Online Business……how long does it take to make 600 dollars?

Posted: 21 Jan 2011 10:20 AM PST

Hi everyone. To all you online business experts, how long does it take to make a consistent or un-consistent 600 dollars monthly in online business? The business I want to start is Affiliate. I’m not asking for too much like I seen in the net like making 200 dollars a day, 3000 a month or anything. All i want is 600 dollars monthly, just to survive for a while as i learn to be a better online businessman. I been learning online business for a month now. I know learning online business takes time and NOT EASY. I just need some money during the times I’m learning this business to support myself. And I’m gonna postpone my College semester, so I will have 4 MONTHS of break to build an online business with 600 dollars income, most likely Affiliate business.

So does anyone know how to build an online business 600 dollars monthly in 4 months of my break? It would be a GREAT HELP if someone could give me a guarantee step by step system where I will get 600 dollars during my 4 months break. Doesn’t matter whether is Affiliate, or another kind of business.

And please, serious answers only, and please don’t answer if you don’t know what you’re talking about. This is a serious life decision of mine, don’t give wrong answers. Which is why I prefer answered by someone who is an online businessman (No, not you scammers, please don’t bother with your spam, I’ve seen it all).

Here are the business that I’m thinking to start;

1. Affiliate

2. Article Writing (No strict grammar check like Constant Content)
- O Desk
- webanswers

3. Data entry online job (Maybe)

4. Selling products and create network where you get commission from your all your buyer’s sell

5. Lauryn Herbert’s Effortless Web Cash Formula

So any website, step by step sytem, and/or ways you recommend?

P.S. I know Article writing is the greatest way in making money through online, but I want to hone my grammar skill before I venture in that. I need now is a business with no requirements of skills… Affiliate.
I don’t understand, why are more and more people telling stop pursuing in online business. The way you’re telling is like there’s no such thing as online jobs. What about all the people that is making money through online! And why everytime I ask question about online business, not even ONE successful online businessman answering!

……Okay, so I’m having the feeling that I have to grasp these two bitter things first right? ;

1. To build an online business even with 600 dollars income, you need f***ing 3 years……

2. Successful businessman will not give their secrets because it will ruin their business since I will be a potential competition to them.

Is this it? So i should stop dreaming now? This was all a joke? No online jobs? Life is filled with S****!!!!!
Max, very much thank you for your answer, and yes I’m VERY interested. I’m already going to postpone my next semester. So I will have 4 months of break to build up a business. I haven’t got the time yet to check your business as I’m still on my current semester. After this semester, which will end at last November, I will definitely give it a look! But still, is rather suspicious.

P.S. I don’t believe in CNN report where 99% online job are scam. Because I found some business(that I couldn’t enter because of my lack of skills) that pays really well, but you have to work really hard…..
OMG, I thought was about to say fig was right, but no, Max was right!!! His business is real! I check at wikipedia, this business is true! (Exhale) finally, a real business……hope it doesn’t require certain skills……

To the whole world who’s seeing this question I post, let the never ending question on online business whether is legit or not, ends here. What’s the answer? Online business are legit! I rept. legit! This post is perfect, trust me. Just look at fig, he’s convinced there is NO WAY in making money online right? Even his last post he STILL refuse to believe it. Now think, did fig seen ALL the online jobs? Or just flat out stop finding online jobs from just the surface of the internet without going in deep. My freinds, let me tell you, if he said there are no ways in making money online, even before I post this answer I already know he’s wrong, since I did found a legit website to make money, I did mentioned it in my question where I said I could not enter them because of my lack of skills. Why did I said this post is perfect? BECAUSE THIS WHAT EXACTLY HAPPENING OVER THE NET.There are people like fig telling is a scam, BUT THEY ARE SO WRONG! THIS IS WHAT CAUSING A TABOO IN ONLINE BIZ!
…….Alright fig, I guess I must respect your views since you’re businessman and all and have a higher knowledge than me, maybe you’re right. ……. Then I have a question.Can you PLEASE bare with me for one more time in answering my question, I know you’re busy, but think of it as, saving a kid from venturing something he’s gonna regret for his whole life. It will be your good deed of the day…. The question is; Do you agree that even if i have a good grammar skill, there’s no way I’m gonna make money over the online by writing articles? Simply yes or no will do. Answer this, and I will make my final decision……that decision will be based on your answer….. If you answer this, THEN I WILL FINALLY REALIZE WHICH IS THE TRUTH…..
…….Alright fig, I guess I must respect your views since you’re businessman and all and have a higher knowledge than me, maybe you’re right. ……. Then I have a question.Can you PLEASE bare with me for one more time in answering my question, I know you’re busy, but think of it as, saving a kid from venturing something he’s gonna regret for his whole life. It will be your good deed of the day…. The question is; Do you agree that even if i have a good grammar skill, there’s no way I’m gonna make money over the online by writing articles? Simply yes or no will do. Answer this, and I will make my final decision……that decision will be based on your answer….. If you answer this, THEN I WILL FINALLY REALIZE WHICH IS THE TRUTH…..
check my other question that response from this question;

Dont you think this article is wonderful and says it all?

Posted: 21 Jan 2011 09:20 AM PST

Here is an article that I found on line that tells you if you should trust online articles or not.


When it comes to the internet, you know that there's a lot of misleading, inaccurate or downright false information out there. By now, most of you have heard the advice, "Don't trust everything you read." But how can you tell what to trust and what not to?

Here are some questions that you should get into the habit of asking whilst you're reading anything (not just online): whether it's a blog post, newspaper article, sales letter or brochure.

What's the Author's Purpose?
The most important question to ask, and one you should have in mind when you start to read, is "What's the author's purpose?" All writing has a purpose. It might be to:

Entertain you – make you laugh
Give you information
Sell you something
Encourage you to come back to a blog or magazine in future
Build up the author's reputation in his/her field

Some purposes are inherently more trustworthy than others. For example, if the author is trying to give you information, or build her reputation, then the facts in the article are likely to be ones that the author at least believes are true. But if the author is trying to sell something, then read with caution.

Who Is the Author?
Even if the author's purpose seems laudable, you'll want to ask yourself who the author actually is. Have you ever heard of him? If so, is he an authority in his industry or field – or is he a suspected charlatan?

For example, imagine an article entitled "How to Become a Lifecoach". You should trust this if it was written by Tim Brownson, a qualified and practising lifecoach, who has an entertaining and informative blog. But if I had written the article, you definitely should take what I've written with a grain of salt. I'm a writer, not a coach, and I've never so much as read the "Dummy's Guide to Lifecoaching".

Of course, as a professional writer, I sometimes do write on topics I don't know much about. When I do this, I need to undertake a lot of research. So if you're reading an article by an unknown writer, it's especially important to ask the next couple of questions.

Are Sources Cited?
Does the author give you facts – especially statistics – without any evidence to back them up? In an entertaining piece, this might be fine (it doesn't matter too much whether the numbers are right, so long as the article is funny). But if you're reading an informative piece about the economy, and the author says, "Ten million people will be out of work by Christmas" – does she link to a particular source that backs this up?

And just because you've heard a fact before doesn't mean you should take it at face value. Have you ever read about the Harvard Goal Setting study? It's an oft-cited example of why you should set written goals, which is usually referenced as first appearing in the book What They Don't Teach You in the Harvard Business School, by Mark McCormack. This is how it goes (taken from Harvard Business School Story):

In that year [1979], the students were asked, “Have you set clear, written goals for your future and made plans to accomplish them?” Only three percent of the graduates had written goals and plans; 13 percent had goals, but they were not in writing; and a whopping 84 percent had no specific goals at all.

Ten years later, the members of the class were interviewed again, and the findings, while somewhat predictable, were nonetheless astonishing. The 13 percent of the class who had goals were earning, on average, twice as much as the 84 percent who had no goals at all. And what about the three percent who had clear, written goals? They were earning, on average, ten times as much as the other 97 percent put together.

But a couple of weeks ago, I read Fact or Fiction? The Truth About The Harvard Written Goal Study on It was an eye-opener. Sid looked for the original study online, and found no evidence that the study ever existed, despite it being cited in numerous books and all over the web. There's a very similar story about a Yale study in 1953 – which again, can't be backed up.

So just because a book is cited, don't assume that the information in the book is necessarily accurate.

Are Examples Included?
Does the author write very abstract, high-level information, without any concrete details? The article might still be true but it's not likely to be very useful to you. The most trustworthy articles won't just include general principles or woolly statements, but will give examples too. And the best examples include specific figures or facts, or quotes from people who aren't the author and who don't have a vested interest.

What do you trust more, "You could make loads as an online copywriter" or an article including several stories from different copywriters who are making over ,000 a year?

Does the Article Contradict Your Prior Knowledge?
Finally, ask yourself whether the f

How I can be online 24/7 via some Instant Messaging?

Posted: 21 Jan 2011 07:21 AM PST

I am running a business with a team of software developers working for me from abroad. I need to be accessible to them 24-hrs a day 7-days a week via instant messaging (preferrably Yahoo Messenger but I am open to others as long as they are free and solve the purpose).

Can anybody tell me what is the best option? I guess I know I can install beejive or something like that on my iPhone but I hate the idea of touch-typing on iPhone (used to own Nokia Communicator 9300 and I loved that full qwerty keyboard).

Are there any PDAs that have good typing capabilities and serve as phone as well that I can use anywhere in the US? I am even willing to have a data card and carry a dedicated PDA with me all times if there is good cell phone option available. I guess I want to know what is the best option for someone who owns a cell phone with a data-plan, but wants something where speed and accuracy on chats can be maintained.

Thanks in advance!

business degree online?

Posted: 21 Jan 2011 07:21 AM PST

I want a BA in business admin. what is a prestigious online program?

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