Rabu, 19 Januari 2011

Blog Cikal

Blog Cikal

Link to Online Business

Online Business?

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 03:21 PM PST

I want to start a website with paid online tournaments. how can i have people sign up for accounts? check out gamebattles.com, i want to have people sign up the same way. How do i do that?

Anyone work from home ie: filling in online forms and ads?

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 03:21 PM PST

Iv just come across some websites (UK business) that pay people for filling in forms and dealing with emails online and pay like £10 per form.Although they charge like £30 fee for training
Is this really true or is it just scams
Does anyone work for businesses online from home?

This is in the wrong section.. I Know

Work from Home Base Business Online?

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 01:23 PM PST

Hello everyone, I’m trying to find some legitimate work from home business that is completely 100% free to join and become a member(No Credit Card Required).
But if there is a work from home business that requires some kind of pay to join or become a member I wouldn’t mind as long it’s legit and it pays well. Please answer only if either you have gotten paid from the home business site you are recommending. Or you are 100% sure your home business site you are recommending is legit. Thanks very much.

When should you look for a Venture Capitalist to fund your business idea?

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 01:23 PM PST

I was recently thinking of starting a medium risk online business. Should I use a friend’s (who is more than willing to invest in me) money or do my own investment?

I mean is it morally right? For example, if the business is risky then why take my friend’s money and if it’s profitable for sure then why not invest fully and be a 100% owner? What’s your take on this and what is the correct time to look for a Venture Capitalist?

If I have a online business and I form an LLC in NV but I live in CA, do I have to foreign file in CA?

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 01:23 PM PST

Selling a hosting service and I sometimes provide simple IT consulting to small business NOT in CA.
With IT Consulting or web design, I think I will need more than just insurance??

ING Electric Orange Account Form/Underage?

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 11:20 AM PST

I am thirteen.
I run an online business that has the option to perform money
transfers through Paypal.

I want to start transfering the ‘fake money’ from my business, into ‘real money’ for my life. I need a checking or savings account. My previous savings account was registered with WaMu (Lol.) And I’d need parental permission to get a new one with a new bank.

I decided to go with an ING online free checking account, but the problem is, it’s 18 or older. The account is perfect for me though, moderate intrest rates, no fees, and an easy-to-use format. Do you think…If I lied on the application…My assets could be seized, or I could be charged with fraud? Will they check up on my social security number?

Can I use a factoring company to buy a profitable business ?

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 11:20 AM PST

I am interested in purchasing a profitable online business but I do not have the available funds to do it at the moment. So i’d like to know if a factoring company would be able to help me out.

WHY you started your own business online WHY WHY WHY i know to make money what other things?

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 10:20 AM PST

Any good online business directories?

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 09:22 AM PST

I want to give more exposure to my business.I want to list it in any good business directory.Suggestions please……..

Where do the online appraisal sites get prices of other houses in my neighborhood? Specific sources please.?

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 07:20 AM PST

I am looking for AVM (automated value model) data for my business. I see all the appraisal sites have it. Where does it come from? Some say they get 2 million a month,I know they are not buying them piecemeal from Experian or County offices.

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