Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

Blog Cikal

Blog Cikal

Link to Online Business

Does anyone have any experience with online college courses?

Posted: 27 Jan 2011 03:19 PM PST

I’m looking to take online college courses for business and I was wondering if anyone has done any online college courses? And if so how much did it cost? Any information you could give me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Where can I see the fax business directory of Saudi Arabia online?

Posted: 27 Jan 2011 03:19 PM PST

i want to start online tutoring as my own business, can anybody tell me how?

Posted: 27 Jan 2011 01:20 PM PST

i want to start my own online tutoring business. but i don’t know how to advertise and how to start, what would be the investment etc. can anybody help me?

Do those people who reply with “business opportunities” and “work at home” online businesses annoy you…

Posted: 27 Jan 2011 01:20 PM PST

…as much as they annoy me? People ask legitimate questions about careers or employment, or how to find a career they like, or how to change careers, etc., and these scam artist trolls post this junk about “hey, go to my website where there is a wonderful new online business opportunity, it will change your life” blah blah blah. Any thoughts?!

Does anyone know some good site for meeting business partners and customers.?

Posted: 27 Jan 2011 11:23 AM PST

I would like to be able to prospect over the internet but all I can find is people who want to get rich quick and that’s not what my business is all about, it’s a real business. Where can I to find real partners and customers online

what part time business fits me?

Posted: 27 Jan 2011 11:23 AM PST

im full time employee..we have internet cafe..what online business fits me…any suggestions pls….:-))

Hey Im trying to start my own online business but im having a hard time finding a good idea!!?

Posted: 27 Jan 2011 10:29 AM PST

Hey Im trying to start my own online business but im having a hard time finding a good idea!! Any Ideas??

How can I expand my online business?

Posted: 27 Jan 2011 09:19 AM PST

I sell avon. I make a decent amount of money through passing out magazines but I know the real money comes from online customers.

Trademark registration for a business?

Posted: 27 Jan 2011 07:21 AM PST

I am planning on starting an online business with its own website that sells t-shirts.The name of my business will be on the shirt along with a design (like Ed Hardy for example). I have already searched in the governments site to see if my business name is taken and it is not.THE QUESTION IS: Do i have to actually make the product and sell it before applying for a registration or can i do it before actually starting the business. What will happen if i do get the trademark and i end up not starting the business????

What are some ideas to starting an online business, such as with SMC?

Posted: 27 Jan 2011 07:21 AM PST

I have been considering looking into the home business program SMC. My family is in need of money and I thought I might give SMC a try. I requested the info package today, and am waiting for that in the mail. I realize that it costs 0 to start, and I have been able to get financial help from a relative who’s agreed to pay the upfront cost.

How exactly does SMC work? Do they just give me a website and I sell their products or what? Do I have to make my own website. Can I choose to make my own website (I am a web designer). Is SMC a scam?

I really like the idea of selling products on-line with my own website store, however I am not sure if it’s a good idea.

What are other options besides SMC?

What about just starting my own on-line store to sell merchandise without partnering with SMC? How would I go about doing that and where would I get the merchandise? What type of license is required in the US?

I am eager to get started and was hoping for the best options. Are there places online to buy discounted merchandise that I can later sell for profit?

Any bit of advice would be extremely helpful and if you could provide past/current experiences that would benefit me greatly.


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